Options for prepping and storing food?.(Part 1 of 3)

There are quite a few options ranging from home canning to MRE's (meals ready to eat)
In my opinion, each one has its good and bad points.  

Canning requires you to buy the food, the jars, and a cooker. although you can carefully use a good old pot of boiling water. It can be very time consuming and slightly troublesome to learn but you know exactly what is going into your end product and its suited to your taste.
A few great options for buying your canning supplies online are The JarStore
and The Fresh Preserving store. Their selection is amazing and the prices are great. 
The Fresh preserving store is running a promo right now for $10 off orders of $75 or more with coupon code C96245
One of the best ways to learn techniques for home canning is through watching the videos on youtube
you have people of all ages who do canning everyday!
My canning skills are still in the beginning stage, But i find its the best way to preserve what i grow in my garden.  I do freeze allot of my garden veggies
but i can not rely on that staying fresh if the power goes out! 

So for now, Lets say freezing is not a good way to prep food for a SHTF situation!

Along the same lines as canning, you have food dehydrating.
This can also be time consuming but not as intimidating as hot water and glass jars. 
Your end product is light weight, compact, and pretty much resistant to mold and bacteria if dried properly.
BUT keep in mind, when foods are dehydrated (or cooked in general)
they lose allot of nutritional value and you are spending more money on electricity for the  6+ hour drying process.

I picked up my first food dehydrator at a thrift store and its still running strong. Many people get these as gifts, try them out once or twice and then get rid of them..  I will save my cheap prepping ideas for a different post lol

end 1of 3

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